Patriot Games

Unseen Forces (ft. April Moss)

Gregg Phillips Season 2 Episode 11

April Moss, the brave whistleblower who made waves by exposing her former employer CBS Detroit, joins us with a story of defiance and truth-seeking that promises to keep you riveted. Through her eyes, we'll witness the remarkable journey Open.Ink has traveled from its wiki roots in 2016 to the powerhouse of transparency it is today. Our platform's enhanced search capabilities and special collections are just the start, as we continue to challenge the mainstream with a treasure trove of reliable information for thinkers, families, and educators alike.

Feel the anticipation build as we celebrate the enigmatic John G. Trump and his clandestine contributions to physics, alongside a peek into his historical intrigue. It's not just about looking back; our episode brings forth discussions on central bank digital currencies and sheds light on once-classified NSA documents, revealing technologies that could reshape your understanding of the military's past capabilities. We're not just about sparking curiosity—we're also nurturing tomorrow's truth-seekers with a learning management system for ethical data scraping and a collaborative chat room to solidify a community dedicated to honesty and transparency. Thanks to our partnership with Greg and Catherine, this podcast stands as a testament to our commitment to lift the veil on the untold stories that shape our world.

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Speaker 1:

No matter where you are, you are being watched. In today's world, no one is off the grid. Existing in the modern world has been forever changed. What's out there? Most people don't want to know, but you are about to get clued in. This is Patriot Games. We'll explore different intelligence techniques, spycraft and the latest cutting-edge technology that will blow your mind. We'll introduce you to pros who've spent careers in the Intel community With incredible stories. We'll expose it all. Welcome to Patriot Games. And now your host, greg Phillips.

Speaker 2:

Hey everybody, it's Greg Phillips. Welcome back to Patriot Games. We have a special show today, Super excited about this. All of you know that we've been involved with our opening project for a number of years and have stumbled and bumbled our ways through it. I think I started it in 2016 as a wiki. It's made its way now to. We had a beta version that we launched last year that we took it down and we put it back up and we took it back down and we started launching special collections and have recently redone our search capability. But the most important thing and the item about which we are most excited, Catherine and I want to introduce you to the new voice of OpenInc April Moss. April, welcome to Patriot Games.

Speaker 3:

Hey, greg, it's such an honor to be here with you today and I'm really excited about the great content that we're going to be able to provide to people through the OpenInc podcast show.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's so exciting for me and, as I said a minute ago, it's hard for me to stomach or swallow the idea that I've been messing around with this since 2016 and have it quite pushed it over the edge. But I sort of feel like this is really a kickoff, even though we've had the site out there for quite a while. We've had millions of viewers and thanks to all of you that have been to the site and signed up and for those of you that haven't signed up, openinc, you can go in, sign up and we'll send out newsletters and all that kind of stuff. But the most important thing that we have is April in the show. We have hundreds and hundreds of thousands of documents in OpenInc.

Speaker 2:

As you know, many of you have seen some of our special collections. We did one on John G Trump, president Trump's uncle. We did another one on the state of Georgia that we've just recently talked about a little bit. You can go see those on OpenIncslash, jgt for Trump and Georgia, for the Georgia one, and then we have a whole bunch of J6 stuff and we're going to be cranking out a bunch of new special collections.

Speaker 2:

But again, putting a voice to it is so important in April and can you give everybody just maybe a little bit about your background and how you not only how you got here, but I think people be interested to hear your story. It's really pretty impressive.

Speaker 3:

Well, for those that don't know who I am, I am a meteorologist and a journalist, and I worked for CBS in Detroit for nearly a decade before blowing the whistle on my local television station during live TV, during my weather forecast, because they were lying to the people, because of the propaganda that was being pumped up and I didn't want to be part of it anymore. But, more importantly, I wanted the public to know that they were not to be trusted. And I come at this from a perspective of I'm a Christ follower. I have four wonderful sons that I'm trying to raise along with my husband. We've been married happily for nearly 19 years and my congratulations, thanks for listening.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, and my whole goal in life is to raise godly young men. Well, you can't do that if you're raising them up and they're believing that what's on the television is truth when it's lies. And so I um, you know, prayed about what to do. My husband had my back and he said you got to do this, and together, as a family, we made the decision that I was going to walk away from, uh, my career as a meteorologist. My life could have been a lot easier had I just stayed silent, but I didn't want to, and I'm so honored and humbled to be able to now devote my life to doing things that matter and helping to raise awareness of the things that we need to know about, and that's why I'm so excited that, uh, greg, that you had this vision for the show, because we're going to be able to give people real, solid information that they can share with friends and family so that they can make educated decisions. You know, the Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge.

Speaker 3:

Well, we are going to be a knowledge storehouse with open ink and with the opening podcast, and I can't wait to bring you in depth uh interviews, conversations.

Speaker 3:

Uh, we've got the documentation to back up everything that we're going to be talking about, and we really have a broader vision, too, that this show will be something that parents will want to even have their, their teenagers, uh, listen to as as part of their curriculum for homeschool, and this is going to be a resource that people all across the country and world will want to come to to say well, listen, what the mainstream media is saying about this, you know, isn't true, and when I even do a Google search, I'm not sure if those answers are true.

Speaker 3:

So where do I go to get truth? Well, you go to openink and we're going to have all of the collections compiled. We're going to have more and more projects, uh, and documents and data continually upload it for you and your families to be able to use, and you can trust that it's not going to be changed or altered by AI, um that this is going to be a wealth of information on pretty much any topic. So right now, uh, we're excited to bring you, um a series that we're going to talk about, and we're hoping to launch this in the next couple of weeks and we'll have all of the information on how you can access the show and, um, we'd love to help you, uh, be able to stay educated and keep your family informed on the important topics that the mainstream media won't tell you about you know, april, it really resonates with me.

Speaker 2:

Um, in part because of the John G Trump collection. Uh, we started this. We had five or six, um, some of them were volunteers, some of them were were helping us, um, um, just trying to try to get a a one of the first big collections going. While we were working on the John Trump one, the whole thing came up with Connick. We went to jail and, uh, we decided, um, the day before our discovery was due to the other side, uh, we decided just to take. We had nothing to hide. We decided to take everything in our discovery for the Connick case and put it out into open Inc. So you can go to openinc, slash Connick and see everything that we were going to give to the judge and going to give to the court, uh, relative to our discovery, uh, or to their discovery of of us. And we dumped it in there. In like two days later they dropped the case and and, um, you know we thought, well, gosh, that was, that was pretty, that was pretty cool. Then we started sort of conglomerating or or accumulating, gathering all of the information that had been accumulated by some of the researchers on John Trump.

Speaker 2:

And as I began to look through it again. I'm like this is unbelievable. And then we find his ward diary. What was really fascinating about the war diary? And we, I had no idea, didn't see this anywhere, didn't even see, didn't even see it really coming. But he was the longest-tenured professor at MIT. Um, he was heavily involved in in radar, the radar solutions that ended up helping us win World War Two, and the consequence of that is that he spent a lot of his time in World War Two in the UK, in Great Britain. And so I'm looking through this thing and I'm I'm thinking, man, this is an amazing war diary, I mean, and he had been meticulous and you know, I went to, you know I presented in front of the queen today and I did this and I did that. I'm like this is, this is crazy. Then I found out that there is another war diary over in the UK, in Oxford, that one of the researchers found and we paid for it, ordered it, had it sent over, and it was like 130 pages different than the one that was in MIT. Begging the question then, well, my goodness, what was in that 130 pages that they didn't want, that they didn't want out there, and it was just. It was just a really fun adventure.

Speaker 2:

We had the the great fortune of of being able to present it to President Trump at a big political event in Alabama and and and he was just so gracious and not just just his, his praise for Open Inc and what we had done, but really for helping America and helping others around the world really understand just who John G Trump really was. This guy was. He was one of the greatest physicists of our time. As I said, he was, he was. He was instrumental in the war in Europe, in World War II, and just stories about the family, and pictures and young. An interesting piece is one picture of John Trump as a young man looks so much like Barron Trump, president Trump's son, that putting them side by side is like eerie. It's like whoa. That is crazy. So it's so much fun to see those kinds of things.

Speaker 2:

You don't see it all on on Google or any of the other major search engines, and so think we like to think of it as is kind of a giant curated search engine that we're going to go through and do research on.

Speaker 2:

But, as you said, there's so many topics and so many things we could delve into. One of the reasons we're excited about having you is your expertise and knowledge around the vaccines and all the things that are going to come out of that. We hope to see a lot of really interesting stuff there and, like you said, I mean having kids be involved in it, and my poor grandson and his sister have to spend a lot of time listening to their papa, you know kind of babble on about this kind of stuff. But, april, this is like what it's all about, right? I mean we feel like we're sort of preserving history for these kids. You know the real truth rather than some bogus truth about America's past, and I just can't wait. I mean I look forward to hearing your show and seeing you and what do you think you know? What do you? What do you think the future of opening looks like?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, I think it's, first of all, very bright and I can imagine that, as we continue to sell the alarm of the importance of making sure that we're preserving documents that don't get manipulated by AI, we've already many of the viewers right here on the show. They know that the agenda is to change the Bible. We have a version of the Bible already on openinc and I just want to say it's really important that everyone understands it's openinc, not openinc. So openinc and this is going to be a place where we're going to continue to keep searching and scraping for the real, authentic documents through FOIA requests and many other, you know, researchers coming alongside and helping us get this information. But we'd love to hear from you too. If there's a topic that you go on to openinc and you say, hey, you don't have anything about this yet. We'd love to hear that. So please give us that feedback and that'll give us, you know, a good goal point to set for.

Speaker 3:

We are going to be talking about central bank digital currencies coming up. We're going to be providing all of the information on that. We're going to have special guests join the show who are experts in that field. We have NSA documents that are just amazing. They're phenomenal. I spent some time on the website yesterday looking through the different NSA documents. We're going to be kind of dissecting some of those things and saying, hey, did you guys even know that this happened or what about this? And it's just interesting information, Certainly something that could be as part of a history curriculum and even just for the general public, who has no idea the technologies that the military has had for decades. We're going to be delving into some of that stuff Because I know that the average person if they're not military minor they don't have a military intelligence backgrounds they have no idea that the military has had certain technologies for a long time. We actually have the evidence of these things in openinc. It's just very fascinating to go through and read up on some of those things.

Speaker 3:

But we're going to be our job is going to be going in and finding the most compelling information, bringing it to the forefront for you to make it easy, but then also encouraging you hey, if you want to go deeper, you want to dig deeper, go ahead. Head over to the website, create a free account. We always want to make this free for everyone, but, yeah, we'd love to have your support. So I'm excited about launching this. We'll have it up and running in the next couple of weeks and I'm really honored to partner, Greg, with you and Catherine in this endeavor.

Speaker 3:

And I just I remember being there in Arizona with you guys at the pit when you were presenting all of this information on the Konex story, and it was palpable the seriousness of the situation and also the dire need for a platform like openinc to be able to provide transparency to the public so important. When we have sunlight and transparency on things, then those that want to deceive are not able to do so. So kudos to you and Catherine for having that courage, conviction, and you know you guys are bright, shining lights right now in a very dark world. So I'm honored to partner with you in this endeavor.

Speaker 2:

Well, thanks, april, we, you know, one of the visions that that Catherine had and she's really been been a real driver on is training people and getting a building more and more researchers. There are, you know, all sorts of different techniques for scraping. You know you've got to do it ethically, you've got to do it legally, sometimes spending them with CITRE in and and and. We're going to install a learning management system so that we can train people how to do certain advanced techniques and research, maybe invite some of our better researchers in to to teach one or two of the classes. We're looking forward to that. We're developing a think of it as kind of a chat room that diggers will be able to if they're digging on John Trump or Connick or whatever else. It is, being able to create their own room and share information and share chat. We're going to be uploading that here in the next month or so and really just look forward to this being a community of researchers, a community of journalists, a community of really anyone who wants to come in and really know and understand. And I love the idea, april, of people contributing their own ideas to this. That's, that's genius. So I mean, even in this chat room, if you have an idea for something you'd like to look at, put it in the chat, send it to grace at open dot Inc. And we'll forward it along to to our team and start looking through it. And then, as April begins to roll this out the chat in her show, if you come up with an idea while she's talking, just note it in there. I mean, if there's something we missed, if there's something that you think would be a better approach, let's put it in there. Maybe we can get you involved, maybe we can, you know, maybe we can let you kind of take the lead on some of the research. So really, nothing's off the table. It's all about transparency. It's all about, you know, we started this because of open records and we wanted a place to be able to put open records, whether they be from the courts or wherever.

Speaker 2:

I had been provided, back in 2016, a database of of non citizens in the United States and, man, I mean we announced that we were going to, you know, release this list and everything in the world happened. I mean it went. I mean everything blew up and went crazy. But I think back to that and I'm like that was really him. Handed on my part. What would have been really cool is to do some research on this, and I've now learned that more non citizens will come across the border during the Biden administration than the than the entire time that Ellis Island was open, and come in and learn about those things and really try to understand them. There's a huge misunderstanding out there about how many non citizens are, even in America. There was a Pew report done back in early 2000s 2001., and it said there were approximately 9 million. The media has talked about that as though it's still a fact since 2001. It wasn't a 2000. It wasn't a fact in 2001. It wasn't a fact in 2016 when I blew it up again, and it's not a fact now. It's probably closer to 45 or 50 million by now. But being able to tell that story, and tell it in the context of Ellis Island and of the history of immigration into America Last night I was.

Speaker 2:

I was thinking about you, april. I was on a. I was on a plane coming back to Alabama and sat next to a guy. I was like I'm going to pull out his cards, I don't mess it up. His name is JD Walker. Mr Walker is is maybe the premier immigration lawyer in America and of course he handles legal immigration and so he, you know, kind of looks at it in a whole different way than I do, and I had this incredibly interesting conversation about the difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration and and it was, it was just fascinating. So, you know, I was thinking, you know I need to call April because this guy needs to be on April show.

Speaker 2:

I learned so much on an hour and a half flight from from Mr Walker, but those are the kind of things that are golden to be able to teach folks. I mean, everybody fusses and complains and gripes about what's happened at the border, and rightly so. It's the number one issue in America. Catherine and I were down there fairly recently. We've been watching what's happening and through the derriering gap over the last couple of years, through our friend Michael yon, and watching this whole thing sort of unfold.

Speaker 2:

Being able to tell that story in an article is one thing, but, but when you can bring in, you know, hundreds of thousands of articles or hundreds of thousands of bits of information to support the story, have the entire research and then get a guy like like j Walker to to react to to the enormity of it all and give you, you know, a perspective from a, you know, maybe the the greatest professional in in that space, in the legal side ever in America. It's like, ok, that's what we need to be doing. We need to be educating. I might not agree with everything that the JD Walker says. In fact, I think he and I sort of explored a couple areas where we don't agree on a lot of things. But that's OK. Right, let's tell the truth, let's get it all out there, let's get the experts to explain it, let's gather all the data.

Speaker 2:

Let's look at what happened in Ellis Island and everything in between now and then. What happened during the Trump administration? What happened during the Biden administration? Who's doing what?

Speaker 2:

We've learned everything from the Bush wall. People even remember that there was a Bush wall. There was a Bush wall built. It was about 20 feet tall and people could literally scale it. There was really no way to keep them On one side of the wall because of the way the wall was built.

Speaker 2:

Not only was the Trump wall genius because it's 30 feet tall. That's a whole different deal. Being off the ground 20 feet, being off the ground 30 feet is a whole different deal, but the way that they covered the top part with sort of a solid steel, almost a barrier on both sides. So you know you couldn't just throw a rope over, tie it on, play yourself up, let yourself down, you're good to go. You got to figure out how to get past that last five feet where you know you get to the top and you got five more feet of steel to before you can even try to get over the top. And you think about all those things and people talk a lot about the tunnels and all the different stuff.

Speaker 2:

The this is the reason that opening needs to exist. It's the reason that your show needs to exist, because people need to understand this and you know in the media misleads in so many ways, sometimes not purposefully, many times purposefully. But to have all of the data out there and then just look, if you don't believe us here it is, go, knock yourself out and you read it for yourself. And that that's what excites me. It always has from the very beginning that you know, let truth prevail. Whether it can't be my truth, it can't be your truth, april, it has to be the truth and that's why we're excited about opening.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's going to be a great partnership, and so we're so. We're so honored and thankful for each one of you that are excited about the show. We're going to need your help getting the word out about it too. So thank you for all of you for tuning in today to this and to hearing my story, and I look forward to serving you guys.

Speaker 2:

Jump on open dot I N K and sign up and we'll send you all the notices. I think we're going to get April all squared away on on at least rumble YouTube possibly locals Not sure where all we're going just yet. We'll definitely put put this through the normal podcast channels and guys, thank you again so much for everything you do, all of your support for Patriot games. In advance. I'll thank you for supporting April and supporting open Inc and we look forward to April. I cannot wait to see your show.

Speaker 3:

Thanks, greg. It was a pleasure to be here today.

Speaker 2:

Thanks so much, everybody. Thanks for joining us on Patriot Games, looking forward to the launch of open Inc. We'll see you next week.

Speaker 1:

You've been listening to Patriot Games. Privacy is a thing of the past. No matter where you are, you're being watched. No one is off the grid. The intelligence community has access to technology that most Americans can't even imagine, and this show is here to expose all of it. For more info, to contact and to stay up to date, visit the website at PatriotGamescom. Until next time, keep your eyes open.

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