Patriot Games

Alabama Showdown (ft. Rep. Barry Moore)

Gregg Phillips Season 2 Episode 10

Unlock the secrets of Alabama's high-stakes congressional race with Congressman Barry Moore, our esteemed guest, walking us through the political maze of his re-election campaign. From redistricting chaos to unprecedented PAC involvement, Barry gives us a firsthand account of the challenges he faces as a staunch Trump supporter erroneously accused of aligning with the opposition. This episode of Patriot Games isn't just about politics; it's a frontline report from the battleground of American democracy.

Prepare for a candid conversation where Congressman Moore exposes the perplexing dynamics of running in a newly configured district, the influence of never-Trumpers, and the bewildering attacks from political action committees with histories of supporting unlikely allies. With his deep roots in Alabama politics and an unshakeable commitment to Trump's vision, Barry dissects the allegations against him and highlights the critical role of the House Freedom Caucus amidst the political pandemonium. If you're fascinated by the strategic maneuverings within our nation's capital, this episode will rivet you to your seat.

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Speaker 1:

No matter where you are, you are being watched. In today's world, no one is off the grid. Existing in the modern world has been forever changed. What's out there? Most people don't want to know, but you are about to get clued in. This is Patriot Games. We'll explore different intelligence techniques, spycraft and the latest cutting-edge technology that will blow your mind. We'll introduce you to pros who've spent careers in the Intel community With incredible stories. We'll expose it all. Welcome to Patriot Games. And now your host, greg Phillips.

Speaker 2:

Hey everybody, it's Greg Phillips. Welcome back to Patriot Games. Today I've got a really special guest, congressman, barry Moore. Barry is running in Alabama's new first congressional district against another sitting congressman and there's been, frankly, some confusion really in what the other congressman is saying about Barry and some of the money he's taken from some people. Frankly, that's pretty upsetting, so I wanted to get it all out there. Barry's a friend, great guy, congressman. Welcome to the program.

Speaker 3:

Greg. Thank you, my friend, for having me on. It's an honor to be on your show.

Speaker 2:

Now I'll tell you, as I've begun to unpack, some of what's going on in Alabama's first district, of course, just to kind of give everybody a reminder of what happened. The courts got together and decided that they wanted to take Barry Moore out, and so they combined Alabama District 1 with Alabama District 2, made a much thinner district. It runs from basically East Alabama over by Dothan, all the way to Mobile, all the way to Mississippi Line, and picks up that string of counties in there. By far the most important county, I think, at least in terms of swings, and what Greg thinks we need to be looking at, is Baldwin County. But of course Mobile's huge and everything over into the wiregrass is really big.

Speaker 2:

But what I wanted to get on and talk about with you, barry, is my team's done a little bit of research and we have found that the same people, the same PACs that are supporting Nikki Haley, the same PACs or groups that have given money to the Obama Foundation, the same PACs that supported Rahm Emanuel, the same PACs that are doing all this kind of stuff all of a sudden, just out of the blue, we learned that not only are they banging on a friend of ours out in Dallas, a young man who's running for Congress out there, but they're doing it to you. Now. Why in the world would somebody that I mean they have nothing to do with Alabama, they don't know anything about anything why would they target this situation and target you, barry?

Speaker 3:

So that's a good question, my friend. I think, if you understand, if you look at the background of this particular group, it seems like they've got a lot of never Trumpers. I mean, these people are obsessed. They've got Trump derangement syndrome. Ken Griffin apparently has decided to play in some of these races. But what I find the most ironic, greg, is I was the first guy in the nation to endorse Trump in Lab People Stadium on August 21st 2015. I was a Trump delegate then. My daughter was the youngest voting Trump delegate in the nation. They're running ads saying Barry Moore's with Joe Biden and he's not with Trump, and so the never Trump is actually saying I'm the guy that's not with Trump. And it's astounding because this district does love Trump. But I don't know why, other than they just know we're the fight. I'm in the House Freedom Caucus, we're putting downward pressure on spending, we like what Donald Trump did when he was here, and apparently they just have a burr in their saddle, as the old saying goes, to come at some hours.

Speaker 2:

Well, it seems like that Jerry Carrol also is spending as much time banging on the House, freedom Caucus and Matt Gaetz and as he is addressing the issues that are important to the people in South Alabama.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean he literally called us the Chaos Cowboys on an interview down here and then he accused us of being the problem with DC, the House Freedom Caucus.

Speaker 3:

And when you're running, you're in an institution or a group that's got a 15% approval rating and you got some people up there that are trying to do things different, you would think that would be the group that people go hey, we need to maybe look at the House Freedom Caucus because they seem to be the ones in the fight, and honestly we are. There's about 40 of us and you named off some of them, but we're in the fight to try to save the country. But the system in DC is a cancer. It sucks the life out of this nation, it takes all the spending, it seizes the power and it abuses it. And so when we're there saying enough is enough, we want to get the power back to the people, we're going to cut this spending, we're going to put downward pressure on that, we want to de-centralize Washington DC. And so I say, greg, I want to make the federal government so small it's not worth corrupting.

Speaker 2:

A lot of my listeners know this. When I was in a different part of my life, I worked for a couple of different governors and one of my jobs was to as my boss in Mississippi, the governor of Mississippi said one time he introduced me at a conference and said this is my box man. He goes around and gives people a box and tell them to pack the crap up and get out, and it seems like America needs a lot more of that these days than not. So who are some of the folks around the country that have endorsed you, barry? I think that'll really help people understand not only that you were there with Trump and right from the outset, and I love that story about your daughter. Every single time I hear it. I just love that so much. But for these people that are out there saying, these never Trumpers that are out there saying somehow you're opposed to them, let's just give them a flavor of some of the people who do support you and let the people in South Alabama make the decision on their own.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know, jim Jordan came down and did a rally a few weeks ago. He and Polly are good friends with Heather and I and Jim. We started in Dozen and came over towards Baldwin County and Jim is a good friend of mine, he's the guy that recruited me. Actually, great to get on the judiciary committee because I'm like Jim, I'm a garbage man in batch crossroads. I'm probably not your pig and he said he said Grassley's a farmer and the Senate does a heck of a job. And honestly I can tell you, greg, some of the common sense questions that I posed Christopher Ray on the weaponization of government, the questions where I went after Merrick Garland, the AG, the way they were prosecuting their political opponents, and certainly on Mayorkas and helping push impeachment through. So Jim asked me to get on that committee. He's been a good friend and he's pulled me out of my comfort zone to force me to get into a fight in a little different way than I thought I could even get in.

Speaker 3:

And then, of course, marjorie Taylor-Gray and she's coming down this weekend. We're going to do a four stop rally in Alabama. You've got Matt Gaetz talking to the president for him and you got Corey Mills, who's a great fighter, byron Donalds, people like that, andrew Clyde, all the House Freedom Caucus and most of the conservatives in DC, I would say, understand Barry Moore as the guy that's in the fight for the right reason. They're on my team and I'm honored to have them, because the swamp does not like many of us and, honestly, in the swamp, greg, some of those people have been under water so long they need gills, man, they don't even come up for air anymore. They're that corrupt and so we're trying to vet that, and my conservative friends are standing with me.

Speaker 2:

You know you and I have talked about this before, but I think it's worthy of repeating to the folks that are watching this and people in your district that when you've been around long enough, you eventually learn this that there's Republicans and there's Democrats and there's appropriators, and those appropriators are the people that many people call the uniparty, that they are the swamp, and basically what they do is they just sit around, they get on these appropriation committees or they get on entities close to that, and all they do is carry the water for all of the lobbyists.

Speaker 2:

I mean Jerry Crossman's more time raising money in Huntsville, alabama, from these warmongers than he does in his own district.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's mind-bending to think that a guy like this dude running the pack I read in the FEC reports that he spent $500,000 for Republicans and this is how you have to report in SuperPack Shall but he spent $500,000 for Republicans but $1.4 million against Republicans, and it just so happens that Barry Moore is one of the people that are, for whatever reason, are in this dude's sights. It's like they sat around and thought, okay, let's go to the most conservative districts in the United States, let's work with the courts and let's work with the left to try to consolidate those districts. And oh, by the way, let's go in and pump in millions of dollars so that we're sure that our leftist Republican, or whatever he calls himself now somebody told me last night that on his own Wikipedia page it says that he is a self-described conservative. It didn't even try to say that other people said he's a conservative, it just said he's self-described. Well, I self-described myself in a lot of ways, but that didn't make me anything other than what I am.

Speaker 3:

He's kind of like yeah, it's almost like there's not a Republican running in Alabama that don't call themselves a conservative, right I mean. But when you get down to the real record, that's the thing. Nobody in that ever Republican and ever primary you ever see, oh I'm conservative. And when they get to DC, man, they vote in the 70s on their Liberty score. I'm scoring 96s in 100. Cpac got me the most conservative guy in Alabama and they know when they're tracking those scores. But they get out here and run and every Republican in Alabama that's ever runs a conservative until they get to DC and then they become a creature of the swamp.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's exactly right. And the other thing about Barry that I'd like to say before we go, and I just want everybody to understand this for me, not only is Barry a friend and Heather a friend, but these are people that I know and know well, and when I tell you that I vouch for them, you never see me endorse a lot of folks. Eli Crane was one, kerry Lake was one and Barry Moore was one. These are the folks that I believe in, these are my friends, these are people that you can count on and that the United States needs in Congress right now. Barry, is there anything else you want to tell everybody before we get moving?

Speaker 3:

No, except you reminded me, eli Crane, endorsed me too, greg Phillips, and he is a great American. But you know, just keep our nation in your prayers, keep us in your prayers. But, man, we appreciate you, we appreciate the fight that you're in as well, and we're going to take this nation back. But now's the time, folks, we got to engage. We do not have time left. We must engage this fight and we must engage it now.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that was great and Barry Moore thanks so much for joining us here on Patriot Games Y'all. I'm heading south to do a little campaigning with the Congressman here over the weekend and maybe I'll record a few things from the trip and put it back up here. For those of you that live in Alabama, of course, and in the Alabama First Congressional District, the primary is next Tuesday, super Tuesday, march the 5th. Please get out and vote for Congressman Barry Moore.

Speaker 1:

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