Patriot Games

Border Bill Betrayal: Misdirected Millions

Gregg Phillips Season 2 Episode 8

Can America afford the hefty $118 billion price tag on the Senate's latest border bill, especially with funds diverging to foreign interests? Join me, Gregg Phillips, as I unravel this financial enigma and expose the startling reality behind where our nation's borrowed dollars are headed. This episode of Patriot Games wades into the stormy waters of the controversial border legislation, revealing the disheartening truth that a mere fraction of this colossal budget is targeted at strengthening our borders. With 1.5 million illegal crossings potentially sanctioned annually, we dissect the profound consequences these financial choices may have for illegal immigration and the enticements offered to undocumented entrants.

Feel the heat of a nation's concern as we tackle the urgent matters of immigration and border security, questioning the effectiveness of a border bill that seems to favor foreign aid over domestic protection. We spotlight the advanced technologies lying dormant that could seal the breach of illegal tunnels in San Luis, Arizona, while expressing indignation at the government's apparent inertia. As the episode unfolds, you'll hear a fervent call to arms for fellow citizens to stand with those congressmen boldly opposing the bill, deeming it a betrayal to American interests. This isn't just about numbers; it's about our country's future—tune in to Patriot Games for an impassioned debate and my bold solutions to these pressing challenges.

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No matter where you are, you are being watched. In today's world, no one is off the grid. Existing in the modern world has been forever changed. What's out there? Most people don't want to know, but you are about to get clued in. This is Patriot Games. We'll explore different intelligence techniques, spycraft and the latest cutting-edge technology that will blow your mind. We'll introduce you to pros who've spent careers in the Intel community With incredible stories. We'll expose it all. Welcome to Patriot Games. And now your host, greg Phillips.

Gregg Phillips:

Hey everybody, it's Greg Phillips. Welcome back to Patriot Games. Today I want to do just a quick update on this border bill, or whatever the heck they're calling this outrageous nonsense that's come out of the Senate. As you go through this and spend a little bit of time looking at it, it's so outrageous, but it's so typical of the deep state, the shadow government, the unit party, whatever it is you want to call it. It's absolutely an outrage. I mean, we're going to spend $118 billion that we don't have. Remember that's key. Every single dime of that is borrowed and it's just contributing to this continued deficit of ours. And the fact that Kirsten Sinema and Langford from Oklahoma and Chris Murphy from Connecticut are the ones that are the authors of the bill. Of course, mitch McConnell had to have approved it and because we have no leadership on the RNC side, there's nobody really stepping up. Now the House seems to be rejecting it almost out of hand, which is great, but we're going to have to ensure that everybody understands the details of this bill so that when, if you ever see your congressman or talk to your congressman or want to call them or write them, you need to tell them to oppose this bill. It's an outrage. So let's get into it and let's spend a little bit of time going through it. I've got a few notes here that I want to refer to, and so the heart of the bill as they're calling it a border bill now is really a lie from the outset. What this really is is funding Ukraine and funding Israel and funding NGOs to assist people on the border. There's a little bit of money that goes to I think it's SENTCOM or I can't remember which one of the military units it gives, but we'll get into that. So it's $118 billion. So a full two thirds of that is $60 billion going to support Ukraine, and there's a few more billions in there too that I'll get to in just a minute, but direct support to Ukraine, another $14 billion in security assistance to Israel. So what's that? $62 or $63 billion out of the $118 billion out there?

Gregg Phillips:

Also key to this on the border side is allowing $1.5 million illegals to cross that border into America every single year. Remember, these people are arriving illegally, they are crossing illegally, they're coming into our country and now they're asking us to spend $50 billion to shut down the border ostensibly, but they're only shutting it down if they go over $1.5 million illegals. It's hard to really grass just really what they could possibly be thinking here. You know we all have our opinions about it. Of course they're trying to get them to register to vote. They're trying to get them Social Security cards. They're trying to get them jobs, taking jobs from Americans. They're giving them housing, they're giving them health care. They're giving them everything that they possibly can. But the very idea that we're going to allow 1.5 million of these people in every year is an outrage. The fact of the matter is, they could stop this almost instantly.

Gregg Phillips:

The two key pieces to the stop and there's a lot more, but let's just say three Three key pieces to stopping this are first, start deporting the illegals that are already here. Do a mass deportation. Back in the 1950s this happened again and President Eisenhower did exactly that a mass deportation. Once you start, once we start the mass deportation, then people will stop coming. The reason that they're coming is because they know we're going to welcome them and give them all this free stuff and give them all this nonsense, but job one is deportation. Start it now. They don't need permission. In fact, it's following the law.

Gregg Phillips:

President Biden needs to follow the law that currently exists. This law, like most laws that Congress passes, is worthless. Not only do we spend the money we don't have, they're allowing people to come into our country illegally, they're allowing them to obtain benefits and funding them, and it's just an outrage. So deport all of them immediately. Start right now. He can do it, he should do it. It's the law and he's refusing to implement it.

Gregg Phillips:

The second thing that they can do is send a note or get the president of Mexico online and just say hey, here's the deal. We're going to shut down this border and you're going to help us. And the way that we do that is we say we're going to stop all trade with you, we're going to stop all tourism with you. We're going to block your ports so that the Chinese can't bring in the fentanyl and all the other nonsense that's going on in their ports. We block their ports and we literally shut Mexico down.

Gregg Phillips:

Another key component to that is to defoliate their poppy fields 90,000 acres of poppy fields that are growing opium or that are producing opium that is being blended with the fentanyl, brought into the United States and killing Americans. So we take some of the napalm from Vietnam that we have stored, that we don't know what to do with and go defoliate the poppy fields. You can do it in a day, one single day run a few sorties out of the United States and voila, the poppy fields are defoliated, which will agitate the cartels beyond belief. But if we warn them in advance all of them, mexico and their partners, the cartels and just say we're going to defoliate it, we're going to shut down your ports, we're going to shut down everything and basically declare a border war against Mexico, we give them 24 hours to respond and if they don't respond, then we do what we said we were going to do. We don't even have to fire a shot. It's an outrage that Mexico's allowing this.

Gregg Phillips:

But what's happening behind the scenes? So Catherine and I were down on the border here a week or so ago and what we realized was that in Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, texas, there really wasn't anybody there and there was no one trying to cross and none of that kind of stuff. And we had a very interesting conversation with some of the military guys that were helping protect the border and, by the way, these are amazing people, as you might imagine and we asked well, where is everybody? Well, we think there might be some up north, there might be some down south, but there's none right here, because that was the staging for all of the politicians to be able to come down, get on the air boats right up and down the river. Mile this way, a mile that way. You're not going to see a single soul, but they're going to feel better about it. They'll take home their video footage of them out riding on the boats and walleye, everything's okay. Well, that's not exactly what was happening.

Gregg Phillips:

What was happening is Mexico, apparently at the behest of the Biden administration, had asked Mexico to stop sending or allowing the illegals to cross the southern border of Mexico and make their way up to the United States, whether it be on trains or buses or whatever they're allowing. And so, while we were down there, the reason that there were none is because Biden had made a deal with Mexico to keep them at the southern border of Mexico and not let them in. So we know that this can happen. Once you know all the photo ops were done and the trucker convoys were done and all of the attention kind of moved away from the border and back to Congress, then they let 15,000 of them through. The problem with that is that you have 10,000 Chinese that have come through the Darien Gap in southeastern Panama At one point, one of the most dangerous places in the world. Now it's just a point of transit for the Chinese and all of the other illegals that are making their way up through Panama and ultimately places like Nicaragua and I'll get to that in just a minute and then making their way to Mexico and Mexican government just let them go. Let them go in waves. They held them for a while but they ended up letting them go. My feeling is that if we stop all trade with Mexico, we stop everything. We stop their port entries, we stop everything. The Mexican government will stop the border problem. So combined deportation of the people that are already here, helping Mexico understand that we're serious about this and we're not going to play a game, and then we defoliate their poppy fields and that that piece of this is over.

Gregg Phillips:

The other piece of what's happening down there for the people that do get through is is, you know, the lack of border wall in so many places and there are pieces of it where they can just walk around it to an open area. There's some famous video now about people being able to walk through the gates. That's a little bit different topic, because these, these border walls are built on mostly on private property, and so what happens is the wall itself is not always on the Rio Grande River. It could be a mile off the river, I think. There's a few places where it's shorter, a few places where it's longer, but it can be off the river, and so the people that own the property have to get from one side of their property to the other, so they leave the gates open, but, again, that's not the whole problem. However, what they can do with these, with the border wall, is stop insinuating that what I'll call the bush border wall, which was 20 feet tall, they could easily scale it. There was no barrier at the top or flat steel at the top to prevent them from going over. So you can see and a lot of this was in the Eagle Pass area was built in the in the 2007, 2008 range under George Bush, but not a lot of it. What we need to do is we need to finish building the Trump border wall. The Trump border wall is a 30 foot wall, 10 feet higher. It has a flat steel barrier at the top that prevents them from easily continuing to scale up and over, and it's just a more effective tool for keeping the bad guys out.

Gregg Phillips:

The next thing that needs to be done, of course, is they need to cut off all the tunnels. We know where the tunnels are. Why we don't stop them and blow them up? I have no idea. There's some famous stuff in San Luis, arizona, which you guys may recall from the 2000 Mules movie that the Wall Street Journal reported back in 2019, I think that people were coming through these tunnels and the tunnels were ending up in old fast food restaurants and that kind of thing, so we have videos of that. What's interesting about that is the way that we found those people is we found them by geo tracking. We have the technology to find these people. We have the technology to prevent them from coming in. We can blow up the tunnels, we can build the walls, we can shut down all trade with Mexico until they stop letting them through, and we can deport the ones that we have.

Gregg Phillips:

None of that requires a law. None of it. We don't need any more laws. What we need is we need someone in government, some entity in government, to stop being cowards, start standing up for America, start standing up for what's right and enforce the law that's already on the books. They've sworn an obligation to the Constitution. They've sworn an obligation to enforce the laws of the country and they're refusing to do it. Joe Biden and these people are absolutely reckless. Myorcus is a train wreck, and as we begin to learn more and more about how the Biden administration has not just done this, but they funded these NGOs you start to see some of that come out in these bogus bills like the one like the border bill that's up there now. So not only does this bill sort of codify 1.5 million illegal border crossings, it allows the government to declare what's called in the bill a border emergency, and that automatically gets implemented. When there's 5,000 crossings per day in a week and Joe Biden can overturn that, he can just do what he's doing now and refuse to implement it, which is, of course, exactly what will happen. It's absolutely stunning that we find ourselves here and that we're dealing with all of this right now.

Gregg Phillips:

This bill also carves out 2.3 billion for refugee and interim assistance, and I pulled this out because I wanted to just kind of read this to you and let you hear what it says the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 501, refugee Assistance Act. The amounts made available under this heading of this act can be used for grants or contracts with qualified organizations, including nonprofit entities, to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services, including wraparound services, housing assistance, medical assistance, legal assistance and case management assistance. They're going to spend 2.3 billion dollars of your money on that. That's what this bill does, in addition, of course, to funding Ukraine, funding Israel and all the rest. So let me just go through a couple more of these.

Gregg Phillips:

So $60 billion to support Ukraine. $14 billion to give security assistance to Israel. Interestingly, the way that they phrase that, of course, right, is that supporting Ukraine, but giving Israel security assistance. So why is Ukraine worth $60 billion and Israel only worth $14 billion? I don't know why is one of them support and the other is security assistance? I don't know, it just doesn't make any sense. So $2.4 billion to support operations in SENTCOM and address the combat expenditures in the Red Sea for all of the nonsense that's going on over there right now. $10 billion in humanitarian assistance to provide food, water, shelter, medical care and other essential services to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, ukraine and other populations caught in conflict zones across the globe. So they're going to give $14 billion to Israel in assistance. They're going to give $10 billion to Hamas, and it just doesn't make sense. You can't even make this stuff up. Here's another one $4.3 billion to support I see, if I get this right key regional partners in Indo-Pacific. What they're talking about, of course, is Taiwan. So they're going to give $5 billion to Taiwan to deter aggression against the Chinese government. I don't know what good that actually does, whether it deters anything or not. I guess it depends on how much money they steal or how much money is diverted to Hunter Biden and all of his crowd.

Gregg Phillips:

$2.3 billion. To remember, this $2.3 billion is different than the $60 billion to support Ukraine. It says this is another $2.3 billion to continue support for Ukrainians displaced in their war. So not only are we going to give billions to Ukraine, but for the civilians that are caught up in the war and are fleeing and going to Poland and going to Romania and other places, we're going to spend another $2.3 billion.

Gregg Phillips:

$20 billion to address in man, it's hard to even read this stuff. I mean this is absolutely disgusting. So 20 billion of it goes to address existing operational needs, expand capabilities at our nation's border resource, new border policies included in the package and help stop the flow of fentanyl and other narcotics. So all of that money that they're talking about spending everywhere and out of the 118 billion, only 20 billion of it goes to the border this doesn't, and that's just operational needs and expand capabilities at the border. So who the heck knows what that means? 400 million oh, here's a good one 400 million for the non-profit security grant to help non-profits in places of worship make security enhancements. So we're going to give billions away and then we're going to spend another 400 million dollars on security enhancements for the people that are giving the money away.

Gregg Phillips:

You just can't make this stuff up. So obviously there's a lot of congressmen on the House side that are opposing this. They're using the words betrayal. So in the end, you know, I'm just not even sure what else to say about this. If you are so inclined, pick up the phone. Be sure your congressmen kill it.

Gregg Phillips:

I understand, as I said earlier, that I think Speaker Johnson says it's dead on arrival, but I think the voice of America needs to be heard, that we don't want any more laws, we don't want any more money spent. Biden needs to be held responsible for not enforcing the laws and we need to simply ensure that we find a better way to secure this border and, as I said, deport them, shut down the Mexican economy and build the rest of the Trump wall, and that's it. You don't need anything for this, it's already there, they already have the money, they already have the capability, they already have the supporting laws and they will have the support of America if they do that. This nonsense every single time there's always. You ever notice this with these people. Every single time there's something controversial happens, that what do they do? They go out and they create this fantastic 500 page bill that's going to do all this stuff and you know, by the way, it's going to spend $118 billion and we're going to call it a border bill, even though two-thirds of it's going to Hamas and Israel and Israel security and Ukraine.

Gregg Phillips:

I don't know. I don't even know really what to even say about this anymore. You know, my, my great prayer is that the, the house leadership, steps up and does the right thing here enforce the border laws as they exist, deport the illegals, shut down Mexico until they stop the people coming through there which they can do and build the rest of the, build the rest of the 30-foot Trump wall. That's it. That's all they're going to do. So encourage everyone you know to try to grasp this and understand it. Understand that we don't have $118 billion to spend and we've got to stop this and stop it now. Thanks everybody for joining us on patriot games. I'm Greg Phillips and I'll see you next week you've been listening to patriot games.


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