Patriot Games

From Data to Dominance: 2024 Plans

Gregg Phillips Season 2 Episode 6

In this episode, we delve into various subjects surrounding the 2024 election season alongside the efforts of our teams and projects. The introduction of Ground Fusion is a key topic, a data collection and analysis instrument refined over time. Its functionalities and application in voter micro-targeting and communication are explored in detail. Furthermore, we announce the inception of a new Political Action Committee (PAC) and elaborate on the growth of the Patriot Games broadcast. The episode also unveils OpenInc, a pioneering platform for enhanced search and specialized collections, and discusses the creation of Red Wave as an alternative to Stripe. Conclusively, the significance of privacy is underscored with the introduction of Klok, a privacy hub designed to shield against tracking.

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Speaker 1:

No matter where you are, you are being watched. In today's world, no one is off the grid. Existing in the modern world has been forever changed. What's out there? Most people don't want to know, but you are about to get clued in. This is Patriot Games. We'll explore different intelligence techniques, spycraft and the latest cutting-edge technology that will blow your mind. We'll introduce you to pros who've spent careers in the Intel community With incredible stories. We'll expose it all. Welcome to Patriot Games. And now your host, greg Phillips.

Speaker 2:

Hey y'all, welcome back to Patriot Games. I'm Greg Phillips, your host, and I'm really looking forward to getting all this out into the universe here today so that everybody has a clear idea of what's going on with us, our different teams, our different companies during the 2024 election season. Obviously, last week was a just a tremendous win for Trump and the Trump team. I know we tend to think that this was just something that happened because President Trump is so popular, but an incredible amount of on-the-ground work went into this, not only from the team themselves, but from all of the Trump team in Iowa, and I just want to thank all of the people there that helped us and kind of guided us in the preparation of one of our new tools. So I'll start with that one first, in 2024 or in 2020. You know there was this, you know, kind of a dearth of information. You know, right up until the election time, we had a lot, but you know we could have done a little bit better of collecting some of the data from the states and the processes were bad and and we didn't we didn't have all of the processes mapped out. We now have all of the processes mapped out. We have um, we have collected and gathered all of the data, we now have the largest data store, I think, probably in the world. Uh, relative to US elections. Maybe China has more, I'm not really sure just yet. But you know, we'll keep an eye on that.

Speaker 2:

We have been working for years on a fusion center. Some of you that came to the pit or some of you that watched the pit on RSBN may remember us talking a little bit about the fusion center and what our plans were for for the building of it. Fusion centers is a sort of a term of art. It is a way for governments broadly to gather data from disparate units of government, collect them all in one place and then provide access to other units. So, in other words, uh might be Department of Homeland Security gathers data um related to trafficking or something like that. Um, they then put it into a fusion center. So when the FBI and others that need this data come to get it, they have somewhere to go. Well, that's what a fusion center is.

Speaker 2:

Um, we've built our own fusion center, a private fusion center that we own, that we control. Uh, that's in our tier three data center. Um, it's impenetrable. Um. We have a post quantum encryption on on the various entry points, um and uh and data encryption components. So it's very unlikely that um, that ground fusion will be tapped in by any of the bad guys.

Speaker 2:

But here's what we've built, so. So we've went in. We've gone in and gathered uh data from all 50 states. Um, we've we have 211 million voting records, um, which is kind of fun and interesting to think about. But what's even better than that is um. We have three to 500 attributes each Um. It tallies up to about 40 billion or 50 billion uh data elements. Uh. When you combine the rest of what we have uh into this, we have something like 500 billion data elements uh that go with all of the various components and parts of ground fusion.

Speaker 2:

Um. We built ground fusion on an analytic base and so that that base, can you know, has all of the election or the uh voter registration data that I talked about, but we also have 25 years of election data. Everything in ground fusion is geo coded. We've used some of the most sophisticated software tools on the planet. Um. We have an analytic underpinning, meaning we can use different types of regression analysis and data mining techniques to be able to deliver predictive answers. We have um uh, the ability to drill into various um, um, micro targets and we'll be publishing those over the over the coming weeks just to kind of give you an idea of what we did in Iowa, what we're doing in New Hampshire, what we're going to do in Nevada and South Carolina as we move into Florida and hopefully this, this crazy primary, uh nonsense that DeSantis and Haley are doing, will come to an end in the meantime, we're still gathering data, we're still building out the algorithms we can target as as down to the actual household we can uh.

Speaker 2:

We built a communications mechanism in top inside of the so that once we run the algorithm and it spits out the 10,362 people or whatever it is that that meet the criteria that we've established in one of our algorithms, uh, all we got to do is hit, hit, basically hit, go, um and uh can either send them email I could send them text. We can press it into another app that we have called ground, uh, which is sort of a walking app. It has surveys built into it. It has phone calls built, uh, phone calling capabilities built into it. Um, and the combination of all of these, along with IV three. Uh, which is independent vote verification and validation. Um, which is how we help clean the roles. Um. All of this is now uh integrated. So ground fusion is the combination of 211 million records. It's the, it's the, the underpinnings of an analytic platform that allows us to do real time communications with various micro targets. Uh. We're connected into uh election integrity related projects, such as some of Catherine's. We have IV three, which is part of our open Inc platform, and um, and we have ground.

Speaker 2:

Uh, we are going to relaunch an old product called vote stand. Um I uh, in a super pack that I was involved in back in 2012, I guess, um, uh, once new dropped out, we had a little bit of money left, so I set about building an app that operate operates a little bit like, I guess, a little bit like Instagram maybe, but for voting. Uh, we did that in 2012. We pulled it down. We rebuilt it in 2015,. Uh, launched it again in 2016. Um, and then you guys may remember that that there was some a big dust up between me and and some of the haters about a a, about the number of non-citizens in the United States. At the time, they were saying it was nine, I was saying it was 32. Um, they were claiming that it was impossible for any of them to vote. Our view was then, and it is now the 3 million of them did vote, and so we're going to be relaunching vote stand and all of this combined feeds. Ground fusion will be growing this over time. There are very few people that have actually seen it operate. Mike Flynn has seen it operate. We've taken it to the Trump team. Obviously. They've seen it operate. We've operated it in sort of a quasi test environment in Iowa last week Just so that we could prove out our algorithms, prove out our methods and our systems that we're allowing this to work. So that's ground fusion and that is. You're going to hear a lot more about that coming up and all of the pieces that go with it.

Speaker 2:

The next thing that we're doing, speaking of PACs, is we are launching a new PAC. We have approached the Trump team to ensure that they didn't have any meaningful objections to us getting engaged with a super PAC and with that, the high sign from them. We're going to be extremely aggressive. For those of you who know me from the old days, I've run these PACs and campaigns for a long time. We are not just aggressive, but we are proactively aggressive. We don't sit back and wait for people to bang on us. We bang on them. One of the things back when Newt was running against Romney, I was running a new super PAC In our future. We did a couple of amazing videos with a guy named Jason Meath and Meath Productions. Jason is going to be rejoining us on this new PAC and we are just really looking forward to this. We're bringing together some of the old people who used to work with us on this One of the best messaging guys on the planet is going to be rejoining us. So we've got Jason, we've got some great spokespeople coming on board and you will no doubt hear a lot about us and our PAC in the coming months.

Speaker 2:

Patriot Games so let's talk about this show. We are going to be way more visible as the year goes on. This will be a primary platform for me to come and do interviews with people. We're going to keep a tech focus, so we'll bring in a lot of the data and a lot of the information from Ground Fusion, share it with you, get some intersections with you. Which brings me to the last thing that we're going to be doing with that, and that is doing what we set out to do in the first place with Patriot Games, and that's to actually do the games themselves. And so we're going to be using Ground Fusion's data to work together on various episodes, to run the algorithms, decide what we want to do. Let's say, we focus on Arizona and we want to do a. We want to, you know, slug Geigo or Christa Sinema or one of them in the mouth. Then we'll get on here together We'll run the numbers. You can watch it as I'm seeing it and then I'll hit go and we'll send those emails and those texts out while you're here with me. Then we can track it and we can look at the results the coming week. So Patriot Games is going to be a lot more fun during an election year or during this election year, and we're really looking forward to it. The other thing that we're doing is we're going to do some smaller snippets and, at least for the moment, I'm going to call it Patriot Games downrange. So when we do a down the range episode, it might show up on locals, it might show up on onward social one of our one of our media platforms and it'll be smaller snippets.

Speaker 2:

You know, while I'm out in the field working with people like I may head out to Nevada to work with the folks out there on what's going on with this nonsense, with this bogus primary situation that the legislature and the Nevada GOP allowed to sort of slip in. It's still a caucus state. Everything has been around forever. The legislature there in 2021 changed the rules. The GOP in Nevada inexplicably kind of screwed it up. So now what you have is you have Haley on the ballot on the on this primary ballot, which really doesn't mean anything because the parties control the primaries. All of the delegates, all of the delegates related to this that will go to the convention, will be selected from the caucuses. This is just the way it is. It's the way that it's always been. The GOP screwed up by agreeing to participate at all in this, in this primary. But now what they've got is they I think they've got Haley and a bunch of other, you know, losers on the ballot. They've been mailing those ballots out, but be mindful, other than somebody being able to say, hey, we won, we won this primary. It means absolutely nothing.

Speaker 2:

And so we're going to talk a little bit more about that. We're going to get some of some of my friends that are experts out in there, out in Nevada, catherine and I are going to put together a broader show about it. But the point of of, of kind of all of this is we want to be sure that, as we kind of combine our shows, that we you know, catherine's still going to have her show openings going to show, greg's going to have a show. We're going to have two or three other shows that we sponsor. We'll roll those up into onward social and one or one or more platforms, but the actual Patriot Games episodes will be here. We'll be playing the games from here. We'll be doing we'll be doing a lot of different things Love to have you follow us on locals right now. That's, I think that's where most of this is going to go. So, anyway, we're we're excited about it. We're really looking forward to it. Catherine and I've been working on this often on.

Speaker 2:

Many of you know you participated in our in the onward social app that we built. That is, the people that built it just didn't really support it as we needed it to to help you or to to support you and your work. We're looking for a new way and we think we found it. We're building it out right now. It may or may not have a lot to do with with Rumble and locals. We haven't quite decided how we're going to handle that yet, but we're looking forward to it and and onward social is going to be an important roll up of all of our work. So, that said, let's talk a little bit about opening. Many of you have followed us with this opening exercise.

Speaker 2:

Just as a quick reminder, going back to that little dust up with vote stand back in 2016. I decided at that point to create some sort of means or mechanism for data that the left wanted to cancel us on and wanted to never to see, whether it's school or Bing or any of the search engines. Many of this data just disappears. The only thing that remains, of course, are the hateful articles, the hateful interviews, this little dust up I had on CNN that Cuomo did, and it's just kind of crazy. We took years to build, to end up building it out. We had a lot of things going on. We didn't want to charge anyone while we were still building it, so we kind of did it on our own dime. We ran a little bit on money. This went on and on and on for years.

Speaker 2:

A year ago, I think a year ago this week actually we launched the first beta version of Open Inc. We learned a lot, and thanks again to those of you that joined in that day. I think there were 5,000 of you or so that joined in that beta project and it was amazing. It was one of the best betas we've ever been involved in in any of our tech businesses, in part because people just joined in. Hey, let's get this and get this going right. And sure enough we did so. Four, five, six months later we tried it again. We launched another piece of it. We started these special collections. Openincconic was the first one. What we did was we took all of the discovery data that we were about to give to the Conic lawyers and just basically dropped it into Open Inc and made it public for everyone. The next day the Conic lawyers decided they have a lot more than we thought they did. Let's just drop this case. And so sure enough they did, and it was a great win.

Speaker 2:

After that was the John C Trump. So you can go to openinccom, slash JGT. President Trump's Uncle, john, was one of the greatest physicists, not only of our time but of all time, and it's an amazing story. We have a little video up there. You can go and look at thousands of articles that we were able to secure. It was really really interesting. We were able to announce that or release that, if you will here in Alabama at one of the biggest political events in history, in Montgomery, I think. There were 2,500 people at an indoor dinner, which was really really pretty phenomenal. It's great to see huge events happen at all, but to have the opportunity to not only speak to them but to present this JGT video was fantastic.

Speaker 2:

From there we had a couple more releases. We had a J6 release. We had some Georgia releases. Most recently we had another J6. So first we did J6 the Gallows with our friend Ed Martin. Next we did a, or all we did.

Speaker 2:

We didn't do the work, we just hosted some work that was done by an amazing group of J6ers that people that you know have been to jail, are possibly going to jail, are still fighting in the courts and they five or six of them built a video and if you haven't seen it, please go to openinkj6. And there's two up there. There's the main video, which is about 58 minutes long. I think it is well worth your time. It's called J6, a true timeline. It is worth 58 minutes of your time to look at all the lies you've always heard. It's, I think, pretty unbiased. It shows all of the good, the bad and the ugly about what happened and I think you'll walk away with it. You know, with the same sort of sickness in your stomach, that these political prisoners are being held without not only without merit, but this was instigated and promulgated by the United States government to destroy MAGA, to destroy President Trump and to destroy these people that are now in prison. It's absolutely outrageous and it's got to stop. Please go to openinkj6 and look at it.

Speaker 2:

A couple days after that, we released a, or they built a smaller video I think it's about six minutes long about Ray Epps, so you can go in and see the Epps video, and these are all special collections. So openink is really turning into this comp, this cool combination of of, of an advanced search engine for all of the information and all of the data that we have, all of the documentation and whether it's court cases or you name it, about J6 or John G Trump or Connick or whatever else happens, you no doubt will see a bunch of new stuff coming up about Hunter Biden. We've got some serious concerns about what's happening with Stripe and Winred and the concerns that that all of us should have about what's going on down that, down that land. I'll talk about that in just a minute more directly. But it's a combination of a search engine and the special collections and it's turning into something way more than we ever anticipated or expected. We're excited about it. We're excited about its future.

Speaker 2:

We're doing some add-ons. You'll see some new things coming this week and we're really going to build that out. Ultimately, we're going to have training session for diggers. We're going to teach people how to scrape. We're going to teach people how to, how to maybe support the advanced research that they're already doing with some unique ascent type techniques, and it is going to be amazing. We've added some text or, excuse me, some dig rooms so people can go in and communicate with each other. Save a bunch of you are working on on Connick. You can all get together in the dig room and exchange information and ideas and and really spend you know time together working on these projects, like, like so many folks are apt to do. So we're we're.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, of all the things that we do, I think this one is is one of the most exciting. We're also going to be launching a newsletter out of there. Actually, all of our, all of our entities are going to have newsletters. Inside of onward social, we're going to have pit pack and Patriot games and, and maybe even true to vote, we've got a new product called cloak, which I'll talk about in a minute. We're going to talk about ground fusion. So you're going to see a bunch of these newsletters pop up and please subscribe. You know subscribe. Click down below to subscribe to Patriot games, so we'll keep you up to date. Love to have you involved in in all of the games. We'll push them into the newsletters, we'll put them out on on open Inc and, of course, so we'll have them right here on Patriot games. So the next big thing I want to talk about is going back to the strike issue.

Speaker 2:

So many of you know that. You know, whether it's sub stack or Shopify or you name it, stripe is really a monopoly inside of the payment processing space. They process billions and billions and billions of dollars a year and this company is owned by haters. They're owned by people that just don't like you. They don't like me. They will do everything they can do to cancel us. They are the underpinning from a processing perspective and everything from rumble and locals to win red and act blue and everything else on the planet Billions and billions of dollars. What they have with that, of course, is they have all of your information, everything. They have all of your banking information. They have all of your transaction information. They have everything that you could possibly want. We already know that they hate us. They canceled Trump, president Trump, a couple of years ago and we're immediately picked up the Trump team by guess what? Win red. Guess who. Win red's processor is Stripe. It all goes back to Stripe, whether you're given on the left, whether you're given to act blue or well on the right, whether you're given to win red, owned by a bunch of hate. Win red is owned by the RNC, basically, and data trust and there's hoovering information about you into all of these facilities. But the underpinning of it all is Stripe.

Speaker 2:

It's our problem If they decide in the spring, for instance, to just turn off all conservatives, turn off locals, turn off payments to rumble, turn them all off. We're just not going to do this anymore. They can do it and they will shut us all down. They can shut down every single campaign that's having to use them right now, whether it's win red or whatever it is the campaigns are using. This is a massive problem. It's a huge problem.

Speaker 2:

About a year and a half ago we started. We recognized the problem and started working on a solution. So what we've done is not only are we replacing win red, but we have a replacement for the win red stripe combination. For the moment, we're calling it red wave. We're going to be releasing it out into the world here pretty quick. It's another thing that the Trump team's already seen and we haven't released it to many others. Our pack, as I mentioned a few months ago, will be our very first customer. So when you sign up for our pack, you will not see Stripe, you will not see win red. You will actually see the real pack information. We're not going to obvius skate it. We're not going to track you. We're not going to do loading the things that these other cats are doing. So we're going to protect not only the donations and the people donated them, but we're going to protect the against the tracking that the bad guys like Stripe and others are doing to you now. So we look forward to red wave as well. So I've covered a ton of ground here. Let's say we did ground fusion, we did pit pack, we did Patriot games, we did onwards social, we did opening and we did red wave, the final piece that I want to talk to you about it in. I mentioned it at last, not because we care about it less, but because of its import in the privacy.

Speaker 2:

World has taken on sort of a new glow, a new interest, a new need, as you guys know. I mean, everybody's getting swatted now I think Marjorie Taylor Grain's been swatted five or six times, maybe maybe even more, I don't know. Senator Tuberville was swatted and it just goes on. And Catherine and I have more problems than I'm really allowed to talk about as it relates to that kind of stuff. We've had lots of different issues, ranging from drones to whatever, but the way that it all happens and the way that they're able to find you, to do all of this, to know where you are so that they can swatch you, and that they can do these things is on your cell phone.

Speaker 2:

No surprise to those of you that sell us on 2000 mules that this is something that we have the capability of doing. We can track pretty much anyone, anywhere, anyone. We've done it in many countries. We've done it, of course, in the United States. As it relates to tracking bad guys, we've helped. We've been on the good guy side of helping salt murders. We've worked in trafficking. We're working right now in trafficking. We're working or anti-trafficking. We are very advanced in our capabilities to do this kind of work. What that allowed us to do was to understand what the fix is for the good guys. How do we keep you from being tracked? How do we do that?

Speaker 2:

We went out and we scoured the world two years ago looking for the different types of technology. There are three basic ways that they track you and you've got to have those three ways covered by your anti-tracking device or anti-tracking. We call it a privacy hub. Having that ability and capability is critically important. We went out and found and hired not only experts, but we bought patents, international patents, united States based patents. We began the process of mashing those up into a device that's about this big.

Speaker 2:

It has the ability to defeat the three main ways that they track you. They track you on your cell phone the actual cell signal. The radio signal that goes to the towers and then bounces around and eventually ends up on the other end. They're tracking those calls. You've no doubt heard of the SS7 problems. I think that was one of the vulnerabilities that Pegasus, the Israeli company that was caught up in a little bit of a scandal because it turned out they've been tracking people on their phones, listening to their voice calls and listening to it. All those vulnerabilities were accessible via the cell signal. That's one thing.

Speaker 2:

The second way they track you is via the unique device IDs, add keys. Some people call them IMEIs, mzs, imi's. Your phone has, anywhere from what kind of phone you have, anywhere from 6 to 9 unique device IDs. Those unique IDs are attached to an app Inside of all of your apps. About 30,000 of them or so are prolific in their use of this technology. What happens is, every hour of often is set, like on the Weather app, even your Flashlight app, other apps.

Speaker 2:

Every certain number of seconds or minutes, a signal is sent through a software development kit, an SDK that's built into the app and it sends it to the app owner and says Greg is here, lat, long elevation, greg is on this kind of phone, greg is this, greg is that. But what it also sends, of course, is the time. So the lacing together of the lat, long and elevation, along with time, gives you an accurate location-based stamp. And imagine that happening in intervals, you know, every four to 50 seconds, but across hundreds of thousands of apps, and that's how. And then those are amalgamated into a by brokers, those brokers and sell those to people like us, to others, to the bad guys, to the government, and the government all has have access to the same kind of information.

Speaker 2:

I think they have a bad source, frankly, or at least a source that is weak. Google's obviously a source of theirs and it's really, it's really a mess. So that's the second way they track you. So they track you via your cell phone, they track you via your ad keys or your IMEIs, and then the final thing that we've that we solved last, but it was maybe the most important piece that we did the final way that they track you is via IP address. So if you're on your phone and you're indoors and you're connected to a Wi-Fi and that Wi-Fi is connected out to the internet, those IP addresses are all collected, gathered in, and those are kind of an indoor version of the outdoor GPS. So they. They collect all of this, but it also happens in IP-based apps and or browsers. So if you're on your phone and you're on a browser, you're on a web app, you open it up. It's sending signals galore. It's telling them what, what app you're in, it's telling them what you're doing, what you're looking at. It's showing the IP address, it's showing the location, the time. It's showing absolutely everything.

Speaker 2:

This is a major, major vulnerability that's being exploited every single day on all of you, on your kids. For those of you that are in high profile positions in the intelligence community, you're well aware of what's going on with it. What we've been able to do is figure out a way to encrypt the IP with a quantum, a post-quantum encryption technique, so in other words, the, the, the number of of elements in the let's just call it the password for the moment or a hash. The number of data elements inside of that protective number is, you know, is in the thousands, and the ability to, to crack that nut is just not. It just doesn't exist today. So so what we've been able to build is a privacy hub that protects you against the cell phone, protects you against the app-based tracking and protects you against IP-based tracking. The combination of those three are the, are the. There's just nothing else like this out there. We're excited about it. We're doing some tests in in a part of the world right now with some special forces operators. We've tested it ourselves, so we've tested it with me. Can they track me? And because we do this and we know how to do it, we're able to, you know, use some pretty advanced techniques and I can tell you that I absolutely vanish from the internet or from any kind of tracking capability, any known tracking capabilities, when that device is on. We have, we've been able to afford and raise the money to manufacture 1500 devices right now. We're going to, we're going to amp that up as, as we, as we get rid of those and sell those. We'll probably put them up for sale here in the next, in the next couple of weeks, and it's a really exciting time for that.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I've been involved in a lot of things, obviously politically. I've done, you know, I've had the great fortune in my career to be involved with a lot of things that some people never get to do. I've been overseas, I've done things. I've done a lot of work in a lot of different countries and and this project is the most, to me personally, is the most exciting project that we've ever been involved in, because not only is it focused or targeted on a particular race or a particular, you know, election of some type around the world. We have the ability now to protect Americans when they go overseas. We have the ability to protect Americans here. It's more important to me today than it's ever been. Those of you who know that I was involved in a prayer crusade down in Nicaragua a couple of different times. That's been a situation that's gone horribly bad and just a reminder that protecting our loved ones, protecting our colleagues and protecting patriots and human beings from the tyranny of our government or some other foreign government is critically important.

Speaker 2:

So we're going to be releasing the name of the product. It's called Cloak Long, ok, and you're going to be hearing a lot more about it and no doubt be seeing some ads and whatnot. But just wanted to let you guys know that that's what it was and what we're doing. And thanks again, so much for kind of walking through 2024 with me. As you see, or as you can hear, we've been busy. We've got a lot coming. Ground Fusion Open Inc. Through the Vote, I mean, you just name it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we have so many things happening right now and it's really exciting. Please sign up to down below to get more information from us on patreongamescom. You can sign up for our newsletter and thank you all so much for joining me here again and we'll see you next week and hopefully we maybe we can look forward to playing our one of the initial games with you. Thanks so much for joining us and I'll see you next week.

Speaker 1:

You've been listening to Patriot Games. Privacy is a thing of the past. No matter where you are, you're being watched. No one is off the grid. The intelligence community has access to technology that most Americans can't even imagine, and this show is here to expose all of it. For more info, to contact and to stay up to date, visit the website at patreongamescom. Until next time, keep your eyes open.

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